Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

What Is You…?

… We drove past this rooftop today. On a road that was at the same height as rooves (roofs?) roofing :-)
And this chap was doing a handstand with a wine bottle (clearly some kind of Rorschach test for travellers. I probably failed).

In other news I had three hours sleep last night and the washing machine has died.
Sometimes it’s important to let go of the tales of woe and just get on with life’s little challenges.

New washing machines then.. Four hours to complete a cycle ??? Four HOURS? Really?
And they’re more intelligent. Than what…?
Are they having a laugh?
What time before dawn shall I have to set the alarm for to get up in time to use this labour saving device?

You can turn the smartness off apparently.

But, it might be useful in a way because sometimes we do get a bit stuck with the crossword.

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