
By soozaday

Morning on the Wharf

A short walk on a short pier. I get such a kick out of watching the sea lions leaping and diving. The tide is a little bit too low for easy access to this platform, but it doesn’t keep them from trying. He leapt up and almost made it, clinging to the board with his chin and trying sooo hard to pull his bulk up. But then it was bang, back in the water with an enormous splashing crash, and then try, and try again. In the meantime countless other seal lions are swooping and jumping and slapping the water. Great choreography and superb vocals! All of this is happening over a full house of anchovies—the water is thick with these little silver fish for the length of the wharf and beyond. Everywhere you look there is a solid flickering mass of fish, their eyes sometimes glowing an eerie green if the sun hits just right. Try this link to get a hint of what I’m talking about. That’s all fish!

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