
By tridral


Tendril ~ Tendril

(NB: The Welsh for Tendril is Tendril.  The word in Welsh follows Welsh language rules, the plural is ‘tendrilau’ and one of the mutations is ‘thendrilau’)

“Said the right-handed honeysuckle to the left-handed bindweed
"Oh, let us get married! If our parents don't mind, we’d
Be loving and inseparable, inextricably entwined, we'd
Live happily ever after," said the honeysuckle to the bindweed”
― Michael Flanders, (Misallance)

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Mae'n ddiddorol iawn sut rhai o blanhigion yn dringo gyda thendrilau. Mae'n fecanwaith syml, troellog sy'n lapio o gwmpas unrhyw rwystr ac yn gafael yn dynn. Mae'n ymddangos bod y blodyn angerdd yn dringo'n dda, hyd yn oed trwy dywydd gwael.

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It is very interesting how some plants climb with tendrils. It's a simple, spiral mechanism that wraps around any obstacle and grips tightly. The passion flower seems to climb well, even through bad weather.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Blodyn angerdd yn dringo gyda thendrilau
Description (English): Passion flower climbing with tendrils
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