Life after Burradoo, NSW

By MountGrace

Day 9: Dangars Falls - how the water travels

Another interesting day today exploring the northern tablelands of NSW. We drove about 30kms south east of Armidale to Dangars Gorge and Falls. Quite a lot of it was on a well graded gravel road. It made us nostalgic for all the driving we did when we towed an off-road caravan in the outback.

By taking most of the short walks along the rim of the gorge we were able to trace the path the water takes. The top photo shows the water gently moving through a series of pools until it reaches the top of the sheer cliff face of the gorge (2nd photo). It then falls 183m to the floor of the gorge (3rd photo). The gorge is spectacular.

On the way back we stopped to look at a lovely small privately owned chapel in the middle of a large pastoral property. I took a number of photos, this time with my iphone. When we arrived back in town we decided to put the car through a brush-less car wash. It was covered in fine dust which inevitably covers our clothes when we are packing the car. When I went to pay for the car wash I saw that my credit card was not in the slot inside my phone cover. I had been meaning to put it somewhere else but forgot. Now, having a credit card cancelled when you are tripping around is the stuff of nightmares. We know from bitter experience. We resisted all temptation to panic and drove back 30kms to the isolated chapel in the hope of finding the card - and there it was having a rest on the grass verge I had walked up to take a photo. Needless to say the card no loger resides in my mobile phone case.

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