
By Diarised


Leo and Bobbie were baking again today.  They tried their hand at chocolate chip cookies.  These are not the prettiest but they are very tasty apparently!  I don’t suppose they will last long.

It was the usual Sunday start to the day. I was up early to have breakfast before I headed out to the tower for ringing.  After that we got in our usual UNO session and then headed home for a quick rest before we all went out for Sunday lunch.  I had a very tasty sea bass dish.

Then I hacked back the hedge along our drive in order to give us a bit more width to accommodate Fernando.  

After that Ian and I headed to Tiverton as we have signed up for the Our Future Health programme.  They want 5 million participants so you may like to take a look if you are interested in health research.  https://ourfuturehealth.org.uk/.  

We just had to fill out a questionnaire, have a blood and cholesterol test as well as a few measurements taken.  

Later I watched the MANU match and then wished I hadn’t. It was another hard watch :(

Can’t believe it is September already.  That is our craziest month at work so before long we won’t have time to draw breath.  We have a couple of more weeks of prep before all the new students will arrive.

At least I have a shortish week coming up before the craziness ramps up. I will be out of the office Thur/Fri in Torquay on a writing retreat.  I have been working with colleagues on a book chapter for a Business School skills primer and we submitted the draft last week so  it will be a chance for some feedback from the publisher as well as dedicated time for us to whip it into better shape.

And hopefully there will be lots of lovely food and relaxation too as we spotted the hotel has a nice indoor pool.  That will be a lovely treat.

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