A Daily Dose

By suejay50


A friend had bid and won an Auction "Day with" and invited four of us to go along with her. It was in aid of the Calvert Trust, here in North Devon, which was very near to closing recently and needed monies raised. Thankfully after a TV programme about it, some very pleasing amounts were raised and the Centre is safe for another few years. Right down to the wire.....
Stanley lives in the house we visited - mainly to see their wonderful garden, which was stocked with lovely flowers, some very unusual.  We enjoyed a lovely lunch of canapés and Prosecco, Oooh - so yum! And Stanley tried hard to give us those 'feed me' looks - but his owners were having none of it!
The view from the house goes right down to the sea - and the sun shone! A very pleasant outing.
I'd put up some flowers - but they are taking forever to download from the phone camera! 

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