
By Majoayee

Bubble, bubble toil and trouble!!

Digital group today and we all had a camera and took photos of Bubbles!  The mixture we used was washing up liquid and water to which was added some sunflower oil.  Blowing into the mixture with a straw to produce the bubbles.  I started off with a tripod but soon ditched it!  and used manual focus.  A lot of photos were taken and many were discarded!  But with a black background and lights and taking the shots from a low angle worked and I'm very pleased with this one!  Extra shows us at the beginning!  A , who forgot his big camera so used his phone - (The best camera is the one you have with you! ) and Geof .

Then Geof talked me through processing in Lightroom rather than Photoshop.  I'm getting better.

We used this tutorial by Andrew Lanxon.

Now it's art with our daughter and her friends in California!  

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