A VERY Adventurous Morning!

Woo hoo!!!!!  This morning we anchored off Prince William Island in Guillemard Bay, and took a Zodiac expedition out to see what we could see. 

The weather was very varied -- first some sunshine, then the next minute a snow squall ... and our Zodiac was feeling very temperamental, not wanting to go very fast.  Nevertheless, we finally neared the shore, and lo and behold!  What was waiting to greet us there, but a splendid Polar Bear!  He was just as curious about us as we were of him.  What a thrill to see him!

Shortly afterwards as we were heading back to the ship, our engine died, and we had to be rescued by another Zodiac -- meaning that we had to transfer from one boat to the other.  Very exciting, if a little disconcerting, considering that if you didn't manage to clamber from one vessel to the next, your only alternative was a very cold ducking in the ocean with a Polar Bear looking on!  (See extra for rescue "footage").

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