Desperately seeking

By clickychick


Fern fever has had nearly 200 years of popularity! The Victorians loved them: so do I. This is the edge of my fernery, It occupies an area about the size of a double garage in my garden. This cool, dull summer has been good for them.

Hey, I bet you don't know - the fascination with ferns was such that they feature in the design in the corners of Custard Creams.

This afternoon our Social Club listened to a talk on scams by Newcastle Building Society. I would love to show you the table the let me photograph but I  it would be breaking their copyright. Suffice it to say a password of 7 mixed digits can be cracked in 4 seconds. Less complicated or shorter passwords can be cracked instantly. The least we should be using is a mix of 13 upper and lowercase letters which will take over 300 years. Anything less isn't safe at all.

This is giving me a lot to think about!

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