Marking Time

By Libra

Remember Covid?

Today I met my first Covid denier.  He looked a perfectly normal well-dressed middle-aged man, a visitor to the area, who had wandered into my exhibition in Dunblane museum.
He makes straight for my photographs taken during the Covid epidemic along with “funnies” off the web (hence todays photo).
At first I couldn’t believe what he was saying.
 This is the gist of it:” See those testing kits “ he points to my photograph ” They are pregnancy tests….as for those masks …totally useless.  Deaths from covid? I don’t believe the numbers …exaggerated …flu or other viruses…no I am not a scientist I have researched this on the web. Go and check it out ! you will see I am right.”
Well, I was stunned. I knew there were Covid deniers but had not expected to meet such a normal looking guy holding such extreme views.
He is not alone. 
 Fortuitously my exhibition is called “The Real and the Unreal”.
P.S.I have a box inviting people to write about their own experiences of Covid. Pity I didn’t get him to write down some of his views.

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