
By Raestelle

"A Keen Eye"...

...Will be required to read this article from an Australian Home Journal dated March 1, 1949...BEST READ IN LARGE..

...I was only a little girl when this was printed, and not only do we have a lovely 'Country Classic" jumper pattern we can knit - all complete here...but we can read about "Women's Savings" about the British House of Commons passing an Act to give wives the right to Keep All Monies they save from their Housekeeping allowance..how good is that...and...

...Further down - we can read all about "Beer Drinking" in Australia that is - now this is a very interesting article indeed, and one we can relate to, even now, even though to us in the present - rather comically explained..

...I love these paragraphs - where the writer says quote: "There was a sprinkling of middle-aged to elderly women drinking gin and beer, but the young women were in the great majority" .. and.. "We are not wowsers, but we think the time has arrived when there should be some curb on such indiscriminate and undisciplined drinking" - remember - this was written in 1949... when I was 5...

...All these articles - so different - on the same page..as the Knitting Pattern...

...How cute is that!! - (Happy Hour was around then by the sound of it...I wonder if any Ladies took their knitting with them to the Ladies Lounge..)..

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