
By isbi

Glenmore Park

…not Lake Burley Griffin in our national capital, Canberra, which sports a somewhat more impressive fountain.
But I was reminded of it when we drove through what I can best describe as the upmarket part of the rather middle class area around Penrith at the foot of the Blue Mountains.
That’s not to disparage Penrith in any way but you wouldn’t describe them as “elites” around there. Which is to their credit IMHO.
Anyway Glenmore Park has its share of what we call rather pejoratively “McMansions” - large and elaborate houses in nice leafy streets. Mr isbi was fascinated by the very winding road through (he wished he was on a motorcycle) the suburb. We suspect it was designed like that on purpose. Either in answer to the afore mentioned Canberra, or as a traffic calming ploy.
The reason we diverted from our usual route straight past was to pick up some horse feed on the way home from Sydney.

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