Deeside Diaries

By LadyP


I'm sad to say the small camera I usually carry around - a wee Sony, very nice pics & a lot smaller than a DSLR - in my handbag has a dust spot (either on sensor or in the lens). Not being able to fix this myself, it will shortly be winging its way back (under warranty) for cleaning. i put it off for a week, not wanting to be without but the time has come...

At the time of this shot it is sat, all boxed & packed, on my desk ready for posting tomorrow... I don't know how long it will take but I'm not looking forward to the waiting.

Anyway, back to the beer. This was taken at the Aberdeen Brewdog pub, where they were having a wee party. Well, another party, they always seem to be doing something. This one involved sea monsters... and, of course, beer.

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