Still Rockin'

By RockArea

MOT Time

Cato had to go for his MOT today. He wasn't very keen to be honest. If he's not allowed out of his cat flap first thing he knows something awful is going to happen. He'll either be going to his holiday home or ... (minor key) da-dah-duh-daa ... the vet.

He got through with flying colours, no minor defects or advisories. When he got home there was no hanging about, he went straight out into the pouring rain and didn't come in for ages. When he did, he needed a good towelling down and debris removal and popped up on the top deck before anything else could happen.

It has been a fairly foul day. It has rained quite a lot, ranging between bucketing and pouring. I believe it carries on the same tomorrow. Ho Hum!

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