Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Weather app says RAIN!!! …...........FOREVER!!!

Fortunately, when I went out for my walk first thing this morning it wasn't raining so I was able to have a play on the beach and a good walk around the town. The day went a bit downhill after that.

My human had already decided that she was going to have a few hours in Truro with out me and she'd decided to go on the train. She got to the station just before 9.30am expecting to get on the 9.33am train. There was no 9.33am train so then she had to wait until 10.03 when she could have had an extra half an hour with me.

It was sooooo cold waiting at the station (& it was also raining by then), so that just made Ann grumpy. One of the reasons why Ann wanted to go to Truro was, because she has suddenly realised that now the weather is getting colder; she has hardly any winter clothes here. When we came back from Edinburgh to St Ives in April, summer was approaching and even though we knew we were going to be here until the end of summer,  Ann didn't think it through properly so consequently she hasn't got any warm clothing here. Well last September the temps were in the late 20s............. Today we've had to put the heating on.

Anyway I had snooze time and Ann wandered around Truro in the rain, and bought 3 lipsticks, 2 pairs of jeans, a long skirt and some underwear. She could have done with buying a couple of sweaters as well, but didn't really see anything that she liked and there's no point in buying something just for the sake of it. This is not Edinburgh, so to return anything will mean another major expedition out, so she tried everything on first not the underwear obv. The jeans are amazing. The brand is 'Angels' no, she's not heard of it either but OMG, they are so super comfy. My human doesn't normally wear jeans because she feels too restricted in them, but these ones are fabulous. She got them from TKMax if anyone is interested.

Moving swiftly on.................... after a spot of lunch in 'Spoons', 5 spicy chicken wings & a small portion of chips, if anyone is interested, Ann decided to head home to me, on the 14.22 train. The 14.22 train was late. There's a surprise. Are trains ever on time these days???

Ann got home (absolutely soaked) at about 3.45pm and took me straight into the field for a play. It was still raining so I didn't even bother doing any rolling around on my back on the grass. Ann said she will take me out this evening for another play if it stops raining. I don't think it is ever going to stop raining. According to our weather app we are not going to have a dry day until 18th September???? ….........That's a long time to wait for a proper walk!!!

Oh well, hey ho, it is what it is I suppose. Apparently tomorrow I'm going to get two long walks, whatever the weather. Ann will just have to get all her waterproofs out.

I've already had my dinner and gobbled it all up, so I got a whole carrot as a special little treat, for being such a good girl and not making a fuss about not getting a proper walk this afternoon.

Ann's cooking chicken for her dinner and I know that she'll give me some of that too. Yum!!!

Happy rainy Thursday evening peeps. xx

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