A day in the life

By Shelling


Another incredible summery September day has come to an end. I love these warm days with their cool mornings and evenings. 
I've had some admin to do and some playing as well, so I stayed indoors parts of the day, which is rather nice because it's cooler inside with doors and windows open.
In the cool evening I went for a walk after taking a lot of garbage to the recycling station. I went to one of my favourite walks, starting from the center for nature research nearby, run by the university in Kalmar. In four kilometres I go through farmland, forest, grazing ground for sheep, ruins from the Iron-age and Alvar, the plain covering a large part of southern Öland. I always discover something new during the hour it usually takes, I'm not in a hurry. Everything is very dry, after weeks of sunny and warm weather but we've had a lot of rain earlier during the year, so trees and bushes has still a thick layer of leaves, leaving exciting pathways through the forest before getting out, into the plain.

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