A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Jude starts ballet class

This is so overdue as she is a natural, but her first ballet class was today and you can see she was very excited. 
She already has lots of the moves and can curtesy without any problem. 
In the second picture you can see Eda exactly three years ago when she started.

I’ve spent most of the day travelling down here on the train. It’s the first time I’ve come down on the train this year and for a while before that I think. It was very busy all the way and the train from Bristol to Bath was packed. Grace was able to pick me up from the station after the girls ballet class so that saved being crammed on a peak time bus at rush hour with my case.
Can’t really complain as the train fare was less than half I paid last time, just hit lucky I think. Having said that son in law John is going to Edinburgh tomorrow with his brother and sister to celebrate his Dad’s 80th birthday this weekend in Perth, one reason why I am down here as Grace is in a show next week so there are rehearsals all weekend. His sister is getting the same Cross Country train I get from Leeds (Penzance - Edinburgh) but John and his brother are flying from Bristol airport as it’s cheaper than the train.

I’m here in the middle of building work so that’s interesting as our usual room is out of action but I’ve got a bed so all is well. Lovely to see and be with the girls as always.

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