Judith's photos

By Judith

Today was a day that restored my faith in human nature… Younger Son D went to his local baker’s to collect his bread order. He parked his scooter in a car park, got the bread, and walked back to find that the woman who had parked in the space opposite him had reversed so fast that she had crashed into his scooter so hard that she’d knocked over his scooter (it’s a 300cc scooter - it’s pretty weighty), which damaged the bodywork. She smashed her car’s rear windscreen in the process.
How did D know what had happened? Because she was waiting for him to return so that she could apologise and exchange details so she can pay for the repairs! It’s so refreshing, and sadly rather unusual, to hear of someone doing the right thing.

In other news, I bought a new hyacinth glass yesterday, and discovered that last year’s amaryllis has started growing again.

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