Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


So, if you had to guess, what would you think this is?  It looks very similar to THIS beauty that I posted earlier in the summer, doesn't it?  Would it surprise you to know that it is not even in the same family?  In fact, this is one of the net-winged beetles, specifically a Reticulated Net-wing Beetle (Calopteron reticulatum)!  Close inspection would reveal that the orange and black "wings" are actually the shell of the beetle with its papery wings tucked inside.  And the antennae are jointed rather than feathery like a moth.  I always have to look carefully at these two species to determine which I am seeing.  Anyway, this was a fun find in the garden today.  

When we picked Jax up yesterday afternoon he was still very woozy and a little wobbly.  He was only allowed a small portion of moistened kibble and a small drink of water.  After we had our dinner, we sat on the sofa with him which is usually his signal to go into major nap mode.  But he was very unsettled and kept getting up, wandering around, moaning and whining.  We finally took him upstairs and got him settled on his bed in our room with some soft fleece blankets and after that he seemed to sleep well through the night.  I, on the other hand, was up at 11 consulting Doctor Google on "dogs after anesthesia."  Turns out that the restlessness and whimpering are not uncommon.  And I am happy to report that he is very nearly back to his normal self now.  He's definitely sleeping a lot but that's okay.  Glad I cancelled his day care for the day, though.  It turns out that the vet wasn't comfortable with the looks of the growth she removed, so it has gone in for histopathology which should be back in a week or so.  Hopefully it won't be anything serious.

Hubs has his first session with the Physio today, which was mostly for the initial evaluation and a few stretches.  Tomorrow he has his first full session and then 2 a week for the next 5 weeks.  Let's hope this does the trick.

I talked to Peg today - she is on her way to Pennsylvania.  Chris will be laid to rest Saturday and I can only imagine how very, very hard this will be for her.  I am glad that all of her friends can be there to support her, as well as family and many of Chris's friends as well.  I wish there was something I could do to take away some of her pain.  If you are inclined to pray, please do so; if you are inclined to send positive energy, please do that.  And, please remember to give those you love an extra hug.


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