
By TheOttawacker

The perils of overusing the physio

It came as quite a shock, when Mrs. Ottawacker gave me the information, that I had somehow already managed to use up all of my physiotherapy allowance on her work benefits package. $500 gone: ker-ching. It came as even more of a shock when I had to pay the $95 for the session I had blithely booked last time around. The physiotherapist – Youssuf – is really good. I’m going to miss not being able to go and have my joints played with. This time I proffered my left hand, which has been hurting a lot of late. I have a small amount of arthritis in the joint (thumb) – but he said it is probably just tendonitis; he put on the magic TENS machine, and it really helped. And, I am glad to say, he didn’t even, I mean not even slightly, look at me and ask how my wrist got overused. That, to me, is the sign of a true professional. And there is no way I could do it.

Earlier in the day, I had done some NZ work and then gone out for a coffee with an old work colleague, called Amr. Amr and I used to work at FCM a long, long time ago – and have kept in touch. I was delighted to see his waistline had expanded to almost the same size as mine. It was only as I left that I remembered I hadn’t given him the biggest piece of news I meant to give him – the passing of a common friend, Ivan. It’s a pity the physio doesn’t do head massages too… I could probably do with some TENS stimulation.

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