Marking Time

By Libra

“The Real and the Unreal”

Well, my exhibition “The Real and Unreal” is finally up in Dunblane museum .
Instead of an official opening ( I simply ran out of time to organise it)  I am going to have a closing party. The French have a word for it- “vernissage”.
Yes, that’s unusual but so is this exhibition.
Over half of it is generated by A.I 
 I use artificial intelligence as a tool to explore themes around what it means to be human as more and more of our lives are lived hrough electronic screens.
While an exhibition of images generated by artificial intelligence is ground-breaking nobody yet knows what their market value  is so I have decided to donate all proceeds, if any,  to Dunblane museum which operates on a volunteer basis.
Most artists have yet to embrace this new tool.  I am encouraged though that this new genre of making art with algorithms and technology will receive a boost this November when Tate Modern in London hold their first A.I exhibition.

The current world record for an AI generated artwork was set a year ago when “Edmond de Bellamy “ the Paris based collective , Obvious ,was sold at Christie’s for $432,500. (£346,000).
This sale marked an important moment in the history of art for it recognized that technology and art has the ability to create new and exciting imagery.

Until now the art world has been relatively immune to the disruptive forces caused by the digitisation of our cultural landscape – witness the decimation of the music and publishing industries.

Now, thanks to A.I we have art on steroids. Whether its good art or not is another matter.
P.S. ” The Real and Unreal” exhibition in Dunblane  museum runs until the end of the month.10.30-4pm Monday-Saturday.

Photo: volunteers Tom and Catherine in the gallery..


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