
By Melisseus


Yesterday's botanic garden had them planted in large numbers around the base of a mature tree, like crocus or aconites. It was very effective - a spring-like effect at summer's end. We have a tree that has interesting bulbs around it in spring but little or nothing once the blackbirds have taken the cuckoo pint berries in the autumn. And we have these, and more, living an anonymous life under a hedge. Something to sleep on

Lots of rain has been falling, but not here. Lots of sun has been shining, but not here. We are in the liminal-lands between the storms in the south - giving us their thick cloud - and the settled late summer in the north. Threatening, heavy skies without any drama to justify the  grey, flat light they generate

I sought something better suited to my buoyant mood and swirling, joyful emotions - entirely at odds with the drab day. I sensed a defiance here: out and proud; unafraid of autumn's threats, no compromise with grey gloom. Perfect - I'm feeling in the pink

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