Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I decided to have a wander around the garden this morning before a friend arrived for coffee and after the torrential rain had stopped and you might be pleased to know that I was dressed!  In fact, I was in bed when I heard the beginnings of thunder rumbling and sure enough, lightning followed along with the torrential rain.  I quickly got up, drew the curtains together - for which Mr. HCB said my Mum would be proud of me - she was really obsessed with mirrors and lightning - and then went downstairs and turned off both our computers, just in case anything untoward happened.  Then I went back to bed for an hour!  Great to be able to do that when you are retired ;-). 

You can see the raindrops on many of the photographs that are in my collage - and I like to do a collage like this to show what flowers are still blooming in the garden.  There are still many chrysanthemums and also the Michaelmas daisies to come and hopefully, if we have some sunny days, these will last throughout September and into October.  I’m pleased to see that the corner created by Mr. HCB still has lots of colour, and the Paul’s Scarlet rose, despite not usually blooming again, has a few roses braving the cooler weather.

The middle shot at the bottom of the collage shows the rhubarb that has gone mad in the last couple of weeks, so that will soon be picked and stewed.  You can also see how much rain we have had by the state of the fences and the wood around the raised beds.  In fact, looking at all that, it’s a wonder that there are still so many lovely flowers in the garden.

The middle shot is one I rather liked - and even Mr. HCB, who doesn’t always see pareidolia, spotted this one and said it looks as if the Rudbeckia flower is poking its tongue out - probably because it has had enough of the rain!  This is in honour of one of my Blip friends, LSquare, who is the Queen of Pareidolia, so I always think of her when I see something like this.

I’m due to go out for coffee with another friend this afternoon, so hope it stays dry, but it is very autumnal at the moment - I might have to get out the electric throw and sit underneath that this evening - but that’s what it’s for - these in-between days and evenings when it’s too early - according to Mr.  HCB - to put the heating on.  

Hope everyone has a good weekend - we are off to visit a Blip friend - and no doubt the Silly Saturday Gang will come with us - or at least some of them.  According to my weather app, there is no rain due, but we will decide tomorrow what outdoor gear we need to wear - it’s not quite hat and gloves weather yet though, thank goodness! 

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