Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Mistaken identity?

       Many moons ago, I planted some Brassica seedlings; I thought this bed was Purple Sprouting Broccoli with Brussels Sprouts "next door".
       I've had two veg. servings of Broccoli a while ago.  Today I looked underneath/lower, with weeds in mind, and saw Sprouts.
       T B H I'm not overly bothered as I am quite partial to Sprouts; if you're not and don't know why - try this for an explanation:-
       "Surprisingly, it could be your genes that determine your feelings about these controversial little vegetables.  A 2011 study by Cornwall College found that sprouts contain a chemical, similar to phenylthiocarbamide, which only tastes bitter to people who have a variation of a certain gene. The research found that around 50 per cent of the world’s population have a mutation on this gene.  The lucky half don’t taste the bitterness usually associated with sprouts, and therefore like them a whole lot more than everyone else."
       SO THERE!  ( ; ¬)

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