Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Storms, Floods, Fog

greeted me this morning...and on the way to work thanks to a complete muppet idiot, I nearly died :(:(

I was driving at a safe distance, under the motorway bridge....when this twit chose to undertake on the old motorway shoulder (currently full of roadworks due to the motorway moderations to breakdown bays)....then cut in front of me, and I had to do an emergency stop.....  Luckily no-one came in behind me...but I was so shaken.

Of course the twit zoomed into the middle lane at at least 70mph (the limit is 50 at the moment) and then the other overtaking lane, stopping right behind someone else who was forced to move over so he could zoom on in his posh mercedes or whatever....

Unfortunately I didn't get a number, but I did report him via 101 (after speaking to another member of staff) when I got to work...

Sooo scary.  I wish people were not allowed on the road unless they drove safely and were tested every ten years at least!.

A crazy busy week this week, with lots of preparations ongoing for a big open day tomorrow!

Apologies that once again I'm blipping sweet peas!

Thank goodness for the weekend :)

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