
By JennyOwen

September sunshine

After yesterday's grey weather, today's warm sunshine has been a delight.  All the gorgeous details of the white passionflower, currently in full swing against our back wall, were showing up particularly well.
Val and I had a morning walk in Ecclesall Woods, getting back into our weekly walking routine.
Later I had a real binge in the garden, pruning and repotting various plants. 
I can never resist a garden experiment, and this year's version has been to plant two little seedlings of the dwarf version of the 'Violette de Bordeaux' fig.  I wish we could just know it by that description, and not by the deeply undignified  'Little Miss Figgy' label that the plant has been landed with by those who market it. (See
Anyway, the little seedlings have grown on well during the summer, and needed larger pots. Now we just need them to make it through the winter, hopefully to start bearing fruit next year. If they do, these bush-sized figs might be easier to protect from marauding squirrels than the now-giant Brown Turkey fig - from which I've had two fruits so far this year (though I can see that there'll be a few more before the frosts come).

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