Cyclamen in the Rain

It has been a miserable day here, with rain on and off all day, and more on than off! However went to my Aerobic class this morning after what seems an age but we only had last week off. But Wendy started us off with a new routine which I am sure will have muscles creaking in the morning. But all good fun. Coffee after went down very well.

When I got home I couldn't get on my drive the window cleaners van was blocking the entrance. The two of them were really busy as they were also cleaning the gutters, facias and soffits, and downpipes, and a super job they have done too. 

Had a hair appointment this afternoon in town, did my usual parking behind M&S as had some shopping to do after my appointment, which was later than usual, so got caught up in the middle afternoon traffic as the schools are back.

Anyway safely home, shopping put away, mug of tea and a toasted crumpet and butter consumed, it is a great reviver ;-))

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