
By HareBrain


A beautiful bright start to the day and after a pretty tedious journey we're happily pitched up on our lovely campsite near Ross on Wye which is in a field just beside the owner's very fine Apple orchards. I took a walk up the path beside them and was pleased to see many rows of the famous 'Kissable' variety. A red apple with red flesh. Walked on past woods and more and more apples of different varieties and then a wonderful chicken run full of very happy ladies and a very handsome gentleman!

Got back to 'Matilda' just before the rain started. Didn't last long though and has done nothing to bring the high humidity down. 'Matilda' is very WARM.

Friends have arrived at their campsite just down the road to set up their stalls for the large model Airshow tomorrow. We're all having a quiet night as it's going to be a busy weekend.

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