Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


We finally had the time (and energy) to celebrate my channel's fourth anniversary! I can't believe how challenging these celebrations can get sometimes!

G cooked a delicious meal, and I opened the bottle of Veuve Clicquot that's been in the fridge for er, more than a few months!! So the plan was to have videos from the channel playing on the TV through the evening. It was good to be reminded of some songs I'd created videos for that I had completely forgotten!

It's been a day in the flat. with me working and G finally getting to projects she's had for the longest time but she started by clearing a corner in the kitchen which was getting unruly. :))

A few stats to record at the end of year 4:
225 videos (which averages one a week)
23.8K subscribers
68.7K watch time hours
Best video (technically)
Personal favourite
Most watched

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