
By Jaybay

Friday again

My mum told me many times how the older you get the faster the time passes, and she was right. It feels like the weeks and months fly by.
Ticked all my jobs before we left the cottage at ten, foggy first thing but starting to clear. We had a nice long walk, bit muddy under food along the river and through the woods but then on tracks and road was dry and although it never got to the temperature promised it was nice walking weather.
Called the camper dealership before we left and again when we got back and although I left messages he still didn’t call back. So frustrating when people make promises and then don’t keep to them. The new camper was scheduled to arrive to them this week and we were going to be given a delivery date but looks like it hasn’t turned up. Would be good to actually know how long the delay will be.
Home tomorrow.

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