
By suehutton

Photographing her Flowers

We nipped into the Flower Lady courtyard after buying from the fishmonger and the greengrocer in the market to order two more delicious lattes. A large Labrador named Roo patrols the premises. I haven't heard him bark yet. He and Basil seem to have established an understanding.

While waiting for our lattes, this lady came out of the flower shop with a magnificent arrangement of flowers. She stopped near the entrance of the courtyard to take a photo of it.

Late afternoon, Basil and I Cecilied down to Garendon Park. The fields that had boasted wheat 3-4 weeks ago and then straw bales had all been ploughed - already.

Turning right from the 3 point turn, I saw a white spire poking up amongst the trees near Thorpe Acre. It could only be the Obelisk (see extra), the only one of the follies that I haven't been able to visit so far. I believe it will be accessible during the Loughborough Heritage Weekend.

George phoned this. morning sounding very distraught. He had just had to take Ben, one of his cats, to the vet, to be put down. Ben was a lovely cat. He'd lost a lot of weight this last year but otherwise had seemed OK. I remember George going to the RSPCA to choose a kitten for Kat, around eleven years ago. Ben had a brother who they called Jerry who will still be coming in for food. I wonder if he will miss Ben. It's extremely distressing to lose a family pet.

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