Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Fun - Love - Calm - 25/8/24

Some of the emotions expressed on the stones.

The poem reads as follows:

Here lies the remains
Fife's Coastal Path

Many feet have walked here
From East to West and back
But since the sea came near
We've lost the scenic track

Yes, recent stormy weather has completely removed two short sections of the route beetween West Wemyss and East Wemyss on the Fife Coastal Path.  The beach shingle now comes right up to the boundary wall of Wemyss Estate so passage now depends on the state of the tide and how stormy it is. It also makes it extremely difficult for cyclists.

Another blipper, Rockit, recently posted a view of the missing path, so I won't replicate it here but just give you the link if interested.
Formerly, there was a track suitable for cyclists but admittedly, it had deteriorated somewhat in recent years.

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