
By KatesGardenPDX

Smoky and Hot

Thanks ever so much for the very kind acknowledgements of my 5 year blip anniversary yesterday! So funny....I knew 5 days ago that it was coming up and then completely forgot. Probably a blessing since I would have spent the day trying to come up with the perfect photo. Now I've got another year! So delighted to have met so many amazing people here! What a great community!

My friend Eli, baby and I had a very pleasant evening last night, and a fine day. What a great baby....she's so chill and flexible and rarely cries. They're at the AirBnb right now, napping. I took advantage of the time to snooze for a short while too. Not accustomed to having a wee one around!

This morning I woke up early since I had an early doc appointment. The sky is quite smoky today, and the sky quite orange. When I looked out at the back deck around 7 am the birdbath was catching the sun just right. In the extra is the view of the golf course from my deck...looking more like a late afternoon in fall than early morning late summer. 

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