Light entertainment

By annejohn

Setting London in Edinburgh

'Directions' at the corner of Nelson Street and Northumberland Street. This is set dressing for an Apple TV production, the second season of The Buccaneers.  Streets covered in gravel dirt to hide the modern markings, shop fronts added (a hat warehouse in extra, with the cabmens shelter). The cast had a costume check in front of The Cumberland bar as we were passing in the afternoon. 
@mollyg and @hazelh blipped the horses involved; elsewhere I saw pictures of a phaeton and a hansom cab. 

A travel day; set off in mist which got thicker at the top of the hills. Deposited hire car at ABZ, bus to station, had plenty of time for the 11.01 train to Edinburgh. Entertained by a maybe 3 year old girl with her mother sitting opposite, at the stage of 'why ?' for everything in sight and hearing range. Sun came out at Stonehaven; mist set in again after Cupar. Edinburgh grey all day, despite forecast sunshine. 

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