Some Like It Hot! (Alas, I Do Not!)
OK, so here is where I admit that I am not really a fan of hot, humid weather. While I enjoy the birds and flowers and fancy bugs that only appear this time of year, I'm really more of a cool-weather kinda gal. Give me a crisp and chilly October morning over a sweaty July afternoon any day of the week (or year)!
The northeastern U.S. has lurched into a period of hot-hot weather this week, with highs on most days around 93 degrees F (or about 34 degrees C). I have been trying to get out in the mornings to get my pictures, before it gets too hot. This is about as early as it gets: this picture was my first glimpse of the sunrise on this day.
The weather peeps are promising a respite from the heat on Friday or Saturday, when a cooler front will move through. During the transition, however, we are also likely to get gusty thunderstorms, damaging winds, strong downpours, and possibly hail!!!!
The song to accompany this picture: I understand that when it comes to jazz, some like it hot . . . real . . . hot. So let's put a little heat under it! The soundtrack is Running Wild, performed by Marilyn Monroe, from the film Some Like It Hot.
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