
By DonnaWanna

Reaching For The Tiny Moon

What a great day we’ve had! It started with a fabulous concert where Julian lived his dreams again and felt like a rock star for a little while!! : )
We headed to the markets for lunch and to the Gaming Shop to pick up the new NBA2K25 PlayStation 5 game which has been eagerly awaited for quite a while : )
Some shopping was done and then we headed to G’s for cups of tea and fine cake which was definitely another highlight of the day! : )
Later we decided fish and chips were what we felt like for dinner and went back to our old favourite shop called Kiwi Fish and Chips and they were fabulous as always.   Then we headed down to the Mt Lawley strip of restaurants and shops and had some delicious ice cream from Messina Gelato which really topped off a fantastic day.  That’s where I saw the frangipani reaching for the sky and in extras a couple of things that caught my eye in Beaufort Street and a quick shot of Earl who was sound asleep and wasn’t impressed that I was clicking something suspicious right in his face!! : ) lol
And..a late edition into extras is a little face I noticed for Silly Saturday for admirer! : )x
Now we’ve fallen in a heap - well I have anyway and I’m hoping I can stay awake until a reasonable hour!!! : )
I’ll catch up tomorrow with you all xxx

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