A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

No Bath!

A different view.
One of the most noted things about where Grace lives is the view across Bath. We’ve usually been in the room on top floor where currently building work is taking place. This visit I’m sleeping in Grace and John’s room on the floor below, still usually a great view but at the moment it’s a case of peering through the scaffolding and this morning, through the fog, could barely see Larkhall below never mind across Bath.
Suitable for silly Saturday I thought.

The fog lifted by mid morning and the usual view across the city to the Abbey and beyond is now visible. We’ve had a bit of sun but it’s generally overcast but warm. Warmer out than in I would say.

Eda went off to her drama class this morning and like yesterday has ended up playing at a friend’s whose parents were bringing her home. After lunch Grace went to
a rehearsal, so that leaves just Jude and I.
Next door neighbour L has been round with tickets for the annual Beer festival which is in Swainswick near to Eda’s school this afternoon. It starts at 4 and Grace won’t be back till after 5 so I’m not sure if we’re going.
At least there has been no rain today and it is warm enough for an outdoor event so I hope it goes well. I’m not a beer drinker so don’t mind if we don’t go but it’s a shame John and Chris aren’t here.

The blue you can see in the garden is a paddling pool, they were using it in the sun last weekend apparently.

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