A Daily Dose

By suejay50

Guess who came to tea?

The day started well, but the sun soon got covered in clouds. It became grey and cool.
Went to enjoy coffee with the 'usual' gang and then came back home.
Messaged Terri to see if she fancied ride out to Affinity - our out of town shopping 'experience'.  She did so after lunch we trundled off to see what was what.  I found a fleece and a pair of new shoes; she resisted.  Eloise will be 19 next week and is off travelling in October - I got her a voucher so she can get herself a few bits she mentioned she'd want.
We sat outside and enjoyed the dry weather with a cuppa - and these little fellas kept dropping in. Terri eventually found something sweet for them to drink, so they left us alone.
On the way home we went on a magical mystery tour, hoping to find blipper Simon - but no luck.
Been a good day inspite of the lack of sunshine.
Supper eaten and now - relax.

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