Life is like a river

By Gunnlaug

Pollý with a cone


Yesterday I noticed my cat Pollý had licked herself through the fur and almost into  the flesh on her left rear leg, making her skin raw and some blood was trickling out. Of course I panicked and being home alone I called my mother to come help me get the cat to a vet immediately. 
Pollý had been limping a little bit for maybe 2 days last week and I was rather worried at the time, but didn't call the vet because she seemed to get better and I didn't want to make a fuss with a cat like her. 
Apparently she had been bitten, probably by another cat in the neighbourhood, and she had been hurting all this time, poor little thing.
The vet took good care of the wound and she has to wear a cone for the next week while it heals enough for her to touch it. 

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