
By dogwithnobrain

Don't go changing

This morning I spotted a red flower in the middle of my cosmos 

I went to check it out and it's is a wee red Cosmo!  How'd that happen?

Anyhoo. I met my neighbour today whose husband sadly died last week.  I normally spoke to him, but I went over and said how sorry I was and ho lovely a man he is was.

She came in to my arms and we had a hug and a chat 

. Death is awful hard to comprehend and even harder to deal with the aftermath   I remember when my dad died,  people crossed the road to avoid speaking to me ...

I promised myself that I wouldn't do that to anyone after.    I always try   no matter how difficult it is. 

There has to be a better way to deal with it.   It has to be more normalisation of death. It's awful enough that you are never going to see the person again with out everyone around you either ignoring it or ignoring you 

But what can be done ?

I don't know!  Just be kind.  And Nice 

In other news ...!I got my eyes tested today and spent a ridiculous amount of money on new glasses   I've never been happy with Specsavers the glasses I got and had replaced three times have loved in their box.

I'm feeling more confident that shortly I will be able to see a whole lot better 

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