I was excited to get up and go this morning. I had been looking forward to a return to the mountain bike (MTB) trails at Gisburn Forest and they didn’t disappoint.
The blue trail is a lovely ride for the MTB novice such as myself, so it was lovely taking in the scenery whilst dodging butterflies on the path and the trees moved with the breeze all around me. There was one slightly hairy moment when from out of no where a stick found its way into my spokes as I was going at quite a lick, but fortunately it resulted in no more than an expletive from me and a sudden stop!
Finishing the loop, I felt pretty good and like I could do the whole thing again. So I did.
This time I tried a few of the red trails, but found these mostly tedious as I picked my through, over and down small rocks and boulders. I believe the official term for these is “technical” routes, but I found it mostly tedious and much preferred the easy flowing with some moderate challenges, blue route.
I was literally dripping with sweat when I reached the van, so was glad of the space to change in the back, where I could strip off, cool down and get some fresh clothes on! Then it was to the cafe for a fish finger sandwich, Jammie dodger, cake….thing and a belting cup of tea.
There was a couple of hours at home to enjoy, before dropping The Eldest off at the train station and then Ms Simmo arrived for a very lovely and long overdue dinner and catch up. Duck confit for me, cajun chicken for the lady. It was SOOOO good.
I didn't need rocking...
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