
After my photography workshop last night I set my camera to manual today and looked for something to blip. Then this afternoon my daughter emerged from her bedroom wearing all of her jewellery and gave me my photo opportunity. I tried a few things using some of the tips that I learned as I had originally intended to catch the light in her eyes, but she got bored of me fiddling around with my camera changing the settings, and then I took this shot of her looking at her jewels which I really like.

I found using manual quite frustrating as most of my pictures were over exposed and I can't get to grips with the white balance as I don't like the effect many of the settings give but this is why I need to persevere! Also it means that my photos take a lot longer while I try to get to grips with the exposure triangle which no doubt will lead to grumpy kids waiting to have their photo taken.

Swimming lessons went really well again this morning with both kids really enjoying them again. Phew!

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