Again and Again

By Ripitup


I walked to Elaine's for a comfortably leisurely departure to Billericay parkrun to surprise Martin on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  
Jim was welcomed as a scanner.  The  4 lapper course was fortunately straightforward enough for me to count, as I'd not been able to sync my watch with the app before heading off.   It was the third time I'd visited but the lake and the wooden sculptures were the only things I could really remember.  Afterwards we took some pictures and headed home with Martin where we enjoyed bacon and sausage sandwiches with a side of birthday cake in the garden.
Cooking, clearing, haircut and transport for MrRIU when I got home.
Next a swim at Osea with Yvonne.  I took some pictures for a group of woman who were paddling kayaks and then we swam parrallel to the beach huts and back.  Some plastic chairs had been left on the beach and we took advantage of them afterwards.  I did a quick sketch and enjoyed watching the tide go out. We watched as 3 men brought an expensive looking boat to the shore and expertly  off loaded 3 children and a cool box.  2 of them then took the boat back to a buoy in the middle of the estuary.
Yvonne dropped me and got stuck in traffic as she headed home but fortunately it had decreased significantly when I headed the same direction,.a few hours later, for the return transport trip.

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