..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Wastwater Sunrise

After Friday's walk around the western end of the lake I decided I'd try to get up (5am) Saturday and return to Wastwater to see if I could get a sunrise pic. Arriving around 6am I was shocked to find how many people were camping, either in tents or in their cars. Some people had even driven their cars off the road down towards the lakeside (and I suspect some will be very stuck when they try to get back to the road as the ground is boggy). Camping by the lake is illegal, so is having a fire. People don't seem to care nowadays and I fear the place will be ruined before long.
It was a bit late in the year in terms of the position of the rising sun but I managed to get this shot of the classic view,  Sun glowing between Great Gable and Lingmell with Yewbarrow on the left and the Scarfells on the right.

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