
By Mover

In the Night Garden

We all got together today for a barbecue to celebrate our eldest son’s birthday which was earlier in the week. His pride and joy is a Scandinavian barbecue cabin (extra) and his garden, recently discovered by a mole(s)We bought him a book on moles. It was in the window of a second hand bookshop in Malvern. He needs to know everything there is to know. For many people they are an enemy but just consider this description on the end papers of the book which is by Kenneth Mellanby.

‘The mole is perhaps the most engaging of all our wild animals. He lives a largely solitary life, in tunnels up to a foot below the surface. These he builds with his massive forepaws,  so that surprised worms may fall in through the roof. Given a good set of tunnels, a mole’s  life is almost uniquely easy, safe and cosy. However, his tunnels do not usually connect with those of other moles, whom he dislikes. Moles meet – no one knows how – only to mate. The nest is made up of grasses, et cetera, in an underground cavern  with several tunnels leading to it. The children must soon go off on their own, and leave the mother alone again, in her black tunnels. ‘

There were three people in the shop and the transaction developed into a conversation and a shared experience of moles, unfortunately the enemy of the gardener.

We had a great evening with plenty of loud music enjoyed by an age range of 4 to 77. Hope we didn’t disturb the mole (s)

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