Adam's Images

By ajt

Damp but not out

This week has been a bit tedious, and I've not blipped (bad me...). I've been doing some training for work, and its awful - the training not work. It's like it's been written by someone in marketing, it's a word salad and I'm still none the wiser what any of it actually means. To give them the benefit of the doubt it probably started life as highly technical German and the has been translated into international English by their office in India and the result is is that it's very wordy but doesn't actually say anything useful.

Today's back blip is another poppy at my mother-in-law's, this one is bi-coloured and seems to be surviving the damp conditions. It's been an odd year here in Brittany. The spring was early and very warm, but then the main summer has been nice enough but not hot (which is what people want) and mostly very dry, with periods of heavy rain. Most people think it's been a bad summer, but it's mostly been not that bad...!

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