There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Tomato Time

It's hard to believe that the three little tomato plants I bought back in June have done as well as they have. We put them into pots and placed them in the yard. We moved them around over summertime, trying to get the best light for them. 

They ended up out front, in our sunny front yard, just behind a line of trees along the road. Each pot has several red tomatoes coming along. We are having tomatoes with every meal now.

The red and green display almost reminded me of Christmas. Every tomato has been tasty and good. Not as good as a Lee-Mater, mind you, a notch or two below that, but pretty darn good. My husband says if my dad's tomatoes were a 10, these are at least an 8. I guess I'll take it!

My soundtrack song is Jakob Dylan, with Will It Grow.

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