It's Warrum

The pond needs topped up - and cleaned out.
What a connundrum!

The heat is encouraging the pond weed to grow - but when I tried to remove some of it today I couldn't kneel down because the stones and slates were too damned hot.

The garage phoned this morning - the car is going in for new discs and pads (again) under warranty.
Apparently there is a 'known issue' which Honda Japan are trying to resolve.
I see a recall coming in the future (unless they think it is cheaper to just keep changing parts - but I doubt it).

Yesterday I spent ages trying to get my mobile generator running as a check before it is needed for a job next weekend ........... I failed.
This morning I remembered to switch on the fuel and it started on the first pull of the cord ............ DOH!
In my defence, I hadn't used it in nearly 2 years.

Okay - there is no defence ....... just stupidity.

Bags got the first car load of her 'stuff' from my garage today - she is getting more tomorrow.
It will all be away very soon.
Then No1 sons 'stuff' goes to the dump.
After that it is my prized possessions.

Maybe by the end of the summer I will be able to get my car in there.

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