The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

All About The Bounce

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

Two of The Prince’s friends, GG and Skits, were participating in a world championship today.

The World Stone Skimming Championship!

This auspicious annual event takes place on Easdale Island which is near Oban and only accessible by a passenger ferry. Each competitor has 3 chances. For a skim to qualify, it has to bounce a minimum of 3 times. Competitors aim to hit the back wall of the quarry and if more than one person manages to achieve this, they go forward to the final round, known as ‘The Toss Off’. The stones used all have to come from the quarry and some people get there early to nab the best ones!

GG was up first. He sent TP a video of his efforts which were (in his own words) ‘p1sh’. Not even a bounce! Skits fared slightly better but sadly didn’t manage to hit the back wall and was also eliminated so it was an 8 hour round trip to throw 6 stones into the water.

Maybe it will be a future Olympic event!


PS Look who has come to have a sleepover with Murphy

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