
By evolybab


After the expected damp, grey start, it very gradually cleared late afternoon to a bright evening, almost dazzling...haha, not really!  I saw a couple of white butterflies in the garden, and this hover fly on the cosmos. The cosmos were slow to start, but eventually produced lots of flowers which attract the insects. Busy saving seeds now for next year. I've done lots of cooking this afternoon, two lots of washing, and charged up all my appliances as it's the last day of the half price electricity offer...for a while anyway. I expect they will offer it again! In-between,  I enjoyed a lovely long catch-up with Swann6 in Jersey, and we cheered each other up :)
I believe it's my nine years anniversary today...unbelievable where that time has gone. I remember sitting at the table photographing some flowers as my first blip, all those years ago. So much has happened In-between.  Thanks for all your friendships and support, and from behind the scenes of course....here's to year number ten xx

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